Theology and Philosophy of Education (TAPE) is an international journal for perspectives in the theology of education and philosophy of education. The journal is published on a semi-annual basis.
One Triangle and More –MORe3.1.2Meaning-Oriented Reflection 3.1.2
The educational technique of ‘meaning-oriented reflection’ originally highlights two angles ‘thinking’ and ‘feeling’, prior to ‘wanting’ and ‘doing’. This article emphasises that due to differences among world-philosophies, an additional third angle on ‘being inspired’ by a higher power is applicable. Bringing these three angles into ‘being aware’ precedes ‘wanting’ and ‘doing’. Based on interviews and higher educational interventions, the revised ‘meaning-oriented reflection’ appears to be a useful educational technique. However, the question remains: How to implement MORe3.1.2 among educators and other professionals who may only reflect rationally?
link to the article in TAPE or click the TAPE logo:
On June 23, 2022, a lecture was given during a TAPE seminar.